Welcome to Squatchberry

Julia Eden works with you to create regenerated landscapes designed for resilience, abundance, and beauty. By marrying your needs with the needs of the land and all of its inhabitants, we can restore water, increase biodiversity, and prevent a lot of the damage that comes from unnatural disasters. 

Do It Yourself

As your consultant I will come to your space and walk the land with you in order to understand the needs of all the residents. I will then help guide you through stages of implementation as we work towards a healthy and abundant environment.

Landscape Professionals

Whether you need help creating and sourcing targeted plant lists, advice on design, or are looking to adapt your current strategies and approaches to be more regenerative, I can help you.



The World of Ag

From cold turkey to slow and steady wins the race, I can help create a plan for conversion of your existing farm to a more regenerative system. I can also help new farmers looking to create a healthy system from the ground up!


Local Gardening

Hire me to create recommended plant lists, source whole plants and seeds, lead plant harvesting walks, setup on-site plant propagation systems, and anything else you need to meet your native plant goals.



"I pledge allegiance to the streams, and the beaver ponds of America. And to the renewal for which they stand, one river, underground, irreplaceable, with habitat and wetlands for all."

Heidi Perryman